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UTI Initiative

A UTI is the third most common reason for older adults to visit the emergency room. As caregivers we can detect, test, and treat an uncomplicated UTI. This could eliminate a long wait in our crowded emergency rooms. Below you will find more about this initiative, signs and symptoms of a UTI from the Niagara Ontario Health Team, the pharmacist assessment to provide a prescription, and BOGGIO Family of Pharmacies information.  

Get free UTI test kits

We are conducting a study to show the prevalence of UTI's and demonstrate how early testing can prevent unnecessary hospital visits.  We will provide you with the test kits for free if you agree to fill out our post test survey for our data collection. We do not collect any personal information (i.e names) and all data collected will be kept confidential and only used for the purpose of the study.


By partaking in this study, you are helping us raise awareness for UTIs that could be treated at home. You are also helping us collect data to bring to our healthcare system and government to make these tests free for everyone, so no UTI goes untreated.

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Test when symptoms arise using the free kit provided

Each box comes with three test strips and user instructions.



Contact your local pharmacy for prescription

If the test is positive, contact a pharmacy and notify them about the positive test. They will then go through their protocol to providing treatment. The person does not have to be a patient of the pharmacy to get treatment.

Couples Therapy


Record test data using the provided survey

*Even if test is negative

A physical copy of the survey will be provided or it can be completed using our digital version on the website.

*If filling out survey using hard copy please either email the completed survey to

List of Symptoms & Risk Factors


Pain or burning while urinating

Frequent urination

Feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder

Bloody urine

Pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen

Cloudy urine

low blood pressure

urinary incontinence

poor appetite


frequent falls


Risk Factors
  • A previous UTI

  • Sexual activity

  • Poor hygiene

  • Incontinence products

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